Венесуэлийн Сонгуулийн төв хороо Даваа гаргийн орой одоогийн Ерөнхийлөгч Николас Мадурог сонгуульд яллаа гэж зарласны дараа түүний олон мянган өрсөлдөгч Каракас болон бусад хотын гудамжинд жагсаал зохион байгуулжээ.

Мянга мянган жагсагч хотын төв, Ерөнхийлөгчийн ордон руу алхсан байна. Хотын гудамжинд дугуй, хог, автомамашинууд шатаж, жагсагчид болон зэвсэглэсэн цагдаа нарын хооронд мөргөлдөөн гарчээ.

Цагдаа, цэргийн албан хаагчид Ерөнхийлөгчийн ордон орчмын гудамжуудыг хааж, жагсагчид руу хуванцар сум, нулимс асгаруулагч хий ашиглаж эхэлсэн бол жагсагчид чулуу, “Молововын коктейль”-ээр хариу барьсан байна.

Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement that Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement that Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement that Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement that Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Venezuelans caught in middle as both gov't, opposition claim election win

протесты в Каракасе

протесты в Каракасе

Supporters of Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement that Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Aftermath of presidential election in Venezuela, in Puerto La Cruz

Supporters of Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro meets with Elvis Amoroso, head of the CNE, in Caracas

Presidential election in Venezuela

Presidential election in Venezuela

Supporters of Venezuelan opposition demonstrate following the announcement Venezuela's President Maduro won the presidential election, in Caracas

Presidential election in Venezuela

Presidential election in Venezuela

Presidential election in Venezuela

протесты в Каракасе

Эх сурвалж: REUTERS, BBC


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